Thursday, February 9, 2012

Field Trip Checklist

 Today I was on a field trip with my kids.


 They both are in different grades, but both these classes go together on field trips.
As I was getting ready setting up things for them last evening I realized that I needed a checklist for these days. 
Even after being on a couple of field trips I am still a nervous parent.   Being a responsible parent that I am, I want to be sure I know all the basics of the field trip day.

After some of my personal experiences and a little research this is what I came up with.

Before the field trip day:
  1. Check if the field trip permission slip has been turned in with all the necessary information and documents.
  2. Be sure if there is money required to be paid for the trip.
  3. Remember to find out what is the mode of transportation. Are the kids walking to the destination, going on a bus, going by private auto driven by another parent/adult, or are they expected to be driven by you.
  4. Inform the teacher about allergies if any, peanut and/or others.
  5. The route to the destination.
  6. How many stops are there in the whole trip, basically an itinerary.
  7. Weather forecast expected for the day.
  8. Know for sure whether the child needs to buy lunch or bring packed lunch. Arrange for as needed.
  9. Teacher's cell phone number.
  10. Clothing advice, like wearing school spirit shirts/jackets, or the preferred color, etc.
  11. Departure and arrival times.
  12. If you are the designated driver, get correct parking information and its charges.
Field trip day:

    This is how I prepare for the field trip day.

  1. Review with the child the SAFETY RULES. No talking to strangers, stay with the group at all times, explain the 'buddy system', no running, inform your chaperon/teacher if you need to use the restroom or have any other concerns.
  2. Wear school spirit shirts/jackets or any preferred color etc.
  3. Clothes according to the weather forecast like jacket, hat and others.
  4. Name tag and a slip with phone numbers (home, parent cell), a few dollars in $1 bills in case of an emergency (God Forbid) in a zip bag/wallet for them to keep in their pockets.
  5. Lunch- If buying, give cash mostly in smaller denominations. For pack lunch with healthy foods like granola bars, grapes, crackers, sandwiches, trail mixes, water bottle, juice box  (if you prefer, as I usually prefer water over juice, I sometimes pack juice fro them as I know they are super excited about the trip and one juice box would not do much harm.)
  6. Don't forget a LOVE note in the lunch bag.. I love you, Enjoy your day, You are the best.
  7. Forks, spoons and napkins in the lunch bag.
  8. Hand sanitizer/sanitizing wipes, wet wipes.
  9. Check for if the child needs any medications and prepare accordingly. Inform the teacher too.
  10. A few band aids in a zip bag, either in their pant pockets (if it can stay there.. that is) or in their lunch bag.
  11. Camera only if the child is old enough and is permitted .
  12. Car seats if needed.
  13. Comfortable shoes.
  14. NO extra and unnecessary things like toys, that can distract the child from the group or instructions.
  15. A little note pad to take notes, only if the child is old enough to manage without getting distracted and left behind from the group.
  16. If you are driving make sure to carry cash in case fro parking or other needs, they don't accept debit or credit card everywhere.
  17. If you will be there at lunch time, pack a lunch for yourself too.

Most of all lots of love and hugs for all the hours they are going to be out there.  

These are the things I do when it’s field trip time. Leave a comment on what you thing about it. Did I miss something? Let me know.

How do you prepare for field trips?  Share your thoughts with all of us.

Love Els

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